Sometimes we are stuck in our “work-sleep-watch tv and/or browse the internet” routine that we forget how amazing and magical life is. One of those boring and depressing days, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and I saw something truly magnetizing. It wasn’t some funny cat video or a new hairstyle of some old celebrity. It was.. A Facebook persona called Lina Ananda. 

1001989_348596925307271_1513988316129321486_nOf course, I couldn’t stop looking at her photos and intrigue kept scratching at my mind. Who is she? I decided to ask her. She responded with quite a lot of details and facts.

Lina Ananda is not, she explains, a person from this earth. She was born in one of the Pleiades – a planet in an open star cluster. She’s an alien, and she uses her physical body as a suit of armour.

She has many talents: she is capable of reincarnation, she writes poetry, and takes pictures by herself. She is an amazing non-human being. She never gets sick.  She is a medium who calls herself the Spirit of Love. 9 years ago, she was learning black magic, and 4 years ago she chose to study white magic instead, yet she retains her knowledge of both techniques equally. She travels through various spiritual worlds in an astral way.

11010520_418521918314771_2917846821216835142_nThe ideas for her photographs come from her journeys to those spiritual worlds. That is her minor mission in this world; her major mission is still awaiting in near future. (The details of which are unknown to anyone but her.)

According to her wisdom, the most important things in life are: love, joy, forgiveness, and counselling. And, above all, to love the Creator with all your heart, to believe in his will and, of course, to love the whole self.

Some people  can’t understand or accept what she is or what she does. As she says, there are a lot of different opinions about her, but she claims that every person is in a different class of cosmos and every person understands just what his or her Karma will allow. But other people, who want to understand, ask her “What is the recipe for life? How do you live a life without diseases, pain, failure or disasters?”

1888752_372867742880189_5882864011747952806_nShe answers, simply and eloquently: “Always rejoice! Always love! Rejoice and love all of the world: plants, flowers, birds and animals. Love everything that surrounds you.” All she wishes is that all people learn this and apply it to their lives.

“EVERYONE BE HAPPY FOREVER!!!” , wishes the loving sun of the universe.

Personalities like Lina’s are unique and different. Allow these personalities to brighten your day or even to broaden your mind and imagination. We live in a world full of interesting people, places and things – do not forget the awesomeness of the life you’re living. 
Here is a link of Lina Ananda’s Facebook profile.

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